Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight

REVIEW: Did not disappoint. It was everything I thought it would be. Great acting, great directing, simply a great piece of film making. One of the best movies I have seen made in our time. Heath doesn't let you down one bit with the horrifying reinvention of a classic bad guy, the Joker. Bale, Caine, Eckhart, and Oldman are spot on. Morgan Freeman, despite the small part, is still vital. And subbing in Gyllenhaal for Holmes was a wise move, which everyone pretty much expected.

I love the realism approach Nolan is taking with these films. This is a psychological crime saga, as apposed to a typical superhero movie. The story is menacing and chaotic, but cohesive. "It's all part of the plan." Truly, a must see.

RATING(of 10): 9.5

Definitely check this one out in Theaters, preferably IMAX.


Emils said...

IMAX did this film justice :)

Unknown said...

That chick for Katie Holmes was the only place the film went wrong - if I have to be picky. You want my support and backup for my claim....SHE WASN'T HOT! Batman should have stuck with those Russian chicks he was nailin!

slofaro512 said...

Ok so Katie holmes is definitely more cute than Gyllenhaal, but not as good an actor. Remember these new Batman movies are going more for realism than fantasy. I will leave you with this.... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. HAHA.